Reporter says maybe Badi Rani Maa’s evil will end with this track. She falls down from the balcony, while Raja saves Rani. Badi Rani Maa played blood game and threatened Rajmata that she will ruin her happiness by killing her granddaughter infront of her eyes.
Offscreen Raja says such character never changes till death. Amerkot’s negativity has gone now. Offscreen Rani says we are feeling bad. There will be just happiness in Raja and Rani’s life. Offscreen Raja says my sadness line is big, my kundli does not have happiness. Keep reading.
when the next episode come please reply our answer
Yeah! Its a song lyrics..
that time I was listening that song so only posted here “Just like tha
Double Side-ah Loveu Pannathaan Romba Naala Ready
(Not me
Don’t think its good to wear barmuda in cold…
