Prem says when cook left why can’t you all work? If cook doesn’t come back by night I want you to make food Khushi. I don’t want to see Simar …
Read MorePrem says when cook left why can’t you all work? If cook doesn’t come back by night I want you to make food Khushi. I don’t want to see Simar …
Read MoreRoshni and Sid come home with their son Karanveer. Reporter says Roshni is leaving the show and wants to romance with Sid for the last time. Offscreen Roshni says I …
Read MoreSid has become doctor. Payal comes to his fake hospital with Ria. Sid checks her strangely. He checks her nerves and says she is dead and then says she is …
Read MorePayal tries to get close to Sid. Tu ishq mera………..plays………. Reporter says Payal tries to get Sid. Jamai Raja was shocked seeing her behavior. Why are you so hyper…plays……. Roshni …
Read MoreRoshni is drunk and behaving strange. Offscreen Roshni says I do many such scenes where I m drunk, I enjoy doing the scenes with loose hair and free nature. Reporter …
Read MoreNeil is torturing Roshni. Reporter says Neil was twisting Roshni’s hand and did he think Sid will just see the drama. Sid asks Neil how dare he do this and …
Read MoreNeil has been changing a lot. Neil gets drunk and asks Roshni about her puja and purity. Reporter says Neil misbehaves with Roshni, when Sid comes to explain Neil, Neil …
Read MoreReporter says Neil got cheated in love. Ragini tries to convince him. Neil gets angry. Neil is crying and drinking wine. Reporter says Neil’s anger gets too high. Neil beats …
Read MoreNeil scolded Roshni in anger. Neil was drunk and misbehaved with Roshni. Reporter says Roshni wants Neil to behave well with her, so that Roshni knows he is a good …
Read MoreSid and Roshni’s dance blindfolded on the song Aaj phir tumpe…….. Reporter says Sid and Roshni’s love has everything which never happened before. Its Neil and Ragini’s engagement, but Roshni …
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